"Sewer pipe, Fu が に つ な い に つ な" だ city and Osaka prefecture が Fighting competition
Two years ago, a lawsuit was filed for damages to the sewer, and the city of Osaka Prefecture paid 1.4 billion yuan for damages. In May this year, the mayoral election of the Mayor, the governor of the prefecture, and the birth of the mayor of the Osaka Restoration Association, and the "Hate" quotation are good. On the 1st oral presentation on November 7, it will be decided in Osaka. The defendant's government side came out of the court, and the answer was written in advance. The accident happened in October 2017. The city is adjacent to the sewage treatment plant in the prefecture of Matsubara City, Osaka Prefecture, and the sewer pipe in the city is not damaged.行 き 场 を 失 っ た 下水 が 堺 市 北区 の residential land. In approximately one week, the city ’s sewers in the basin are used for about 1 week. 堺 市 が 查 し た と こ ろ, の の の で 管 で 流 に 流 れ 込 む 流 れ 込 む 流 に な っ て 系 に な っ て い 府 in the sewage treatment plant in the city. The effects of sulphur hydrolysate on sewage and the possibility of rotten food in the pipe can be identified. The municipal government "required the government's non-disruptive management" and the accident recovery fee of 700 million yuan. し か し 府 は 「は 下 管 へ の 続 は の 続 は に に に に に 図 し た し た に あ り の 図 の に あ り の に あ り の に あ り, も 市 に あ り 承 知 し て い た は ず", and compensation is rejected. Civil mediation, no mediation, and city lawsuits were filed in September this year. The cost of reinstatement fees and the amount of sewerage used in the past are quite 700 million.