Takeshi Kosugi, "Sewer Problem" Office, "Complete Defense" は 难 し い し
Typhoon No. 19 was shaken by the East Japan Center and various locations. The pain is reported by the victim, the modern な タ ワ ー マ ン シ ョ ン が forest stand, the former one, the muddy water immersion and the い う シ ョ ッ キ ン グ な image, the whole country, the Kanagawa, Kawasaki, and the martial arts Kosugi. In this note, I will return to the previous guide, I will take the responsibility of who will be immersed in the future, and will be responsible for the immersion in the future. I will also take the test. Sewer "refurbishment" に は カ ネ が か か る The previous book い た よ う に, Kawasaki City's soaked water policy typhoon No. 19 and い う nature's majesty, resistance, and result theory. In the future, residents of the city council will be immersed in water, and they will be required to be prepared. Specific measures for the examination, a large amount of water in the water during the rain, and a large-scale rainwater storage pipe, the administrative department, the leading system, the river, the sewer, and the waterれ て れ て 水 れ て 生 す る の を 防 ぐ こ と で あ る. The original method is now available, the land use is assured, and the deep underground use of today ’s Shinkansen is in full use. Theoretically, the subject of this issue is ク リ ア さ れ て い る か も し れな い. Moo っ と moo, land の Quan Lee problem wa solve で ki te mo geological ya terrain wa disregard で ki on starting it, Zhou Dao residents kara anti Dui sports ga from go-ru-ka moo shi me cry zu, Connecticut ra ni wa construction · maintain の い zu me cry ni tsu ~ te mo と ni ka ku great na expenses ga ka ka ru.こ の た め 、 定 し て 简 単 に 进 め ら れ る こ と で は な い. Photo by iStock ま た 、 Tokyo Bay に In August of this year, the predetermined が い ト ラ ト ラ イ ア ス ロ ン W Cup の 水 イ (water swimming) category has been discontinued で に わ か に Famous に な り, this time 蔵 武 蔵 小 杉 で も Topic に な っ た の が, Sewage and rain waterの Sewer pipe flow "Merged sewer". The sewer system of the second system is divided into the shunt type and the sewer equipment is strong and effective improvement measures. し か し, the current converging type, the preparation of the sewer area, the diverting type, the sewer pipe for rainwater, the new Zhang Zhang tour, the current cost, the cost is not necessary. そ れ な ら Initially, the shunt type で い し て お け ば よ か っ た で は な, の の 指指 が 出 が き そ う だ が, そ も そ も Sewer preparation は, ト イ レ の 水洗 化 を い ち early く 入 め る 意 図 も あ っ て, confluence type で 早 く ・ 安 く PU し て し て きた 面 が あ る の だ.意见 の を 意 そ 忘 , 后 か ら そ う 言 う の は 的 れ 外 の の と と い う も の で あ ろ う.