Dairyo Yulin 1 Road Water Supply Pipe
Kaohsiung City Dormitory, Sanriku 1st Road, Sanrong Water Transport Line, Longevity of Water Supply Line, Long-term Water Supply Quality, 7th Management Site of Self-Water Supply Company Replacement process, completion of the process, one hundred and twenty people living in Kajichi. 鳳林 一路 三巷 巷 原 burial plastic molding pipe, the material for the process change, the more durable ductile pipe (DIP), Namika University, 徑 厘 厘, ○ 讓 Quality clear proposal. 區 處 區 處 武經文 處 length display, water quality for improvement and low water leakage rate, needle tube line usage period and frequent water leakage area, annually revised switch line meter, removable reduced pipe breakage repair repair water stoppage Water supply quality, non-requiring water resources, additional water savings, simultaneous saving water, rare water resources.