
Xiamen-Luo District breached water pipe rupture: the most major “rupture” accident in five years

Xiamen Lu Xi-Dong water pipe rupture: five-year premature rupture accident, cause 澎湃 Shinposha reporter Shurai December 12th 23:42, Nichido Transport Concentration Co., Ltd. Ginpo Weibo @ Jinjio Kaiban Haruna-an, Jiyong Line 2nd Road Industry Industrial Construction Site 21:50 Jinsei Ginger, same sky, flood water pipe rupture.澎湃 Newspaper ( unveiled public highway. . Entrance fence Xiamen Luo Road Entrance Southeast reporter Xiamen Xiamen Vision Vision October 1st, 2017 Newspaper report, 7 o'clock on Sunday, Xiamen City Affairs Bureau North Crossing ruptured information.經 Field work, rupture of conduit outside the system, large amount of water in front of 當, depth of water in the road, Xiamen lining cover, sudden breaching guidance 濱 North Pipe Line Wadai force force wave, Minamata descent Sannoyuki, etc. Suspension of water appearance December 12, 2016, Nichi-Jo report literary science, sky left and right 8 km, north side approach to Kayu Road, caustic tube rupture, road cover.澎湃 News from the newspaper, North Korea, and North Korea. Xiamen Daily Reporter 從 completed water collection, water supply pipe construction breakthrough pipe leakage construction. Reflecting existing citizens, Jiangsu Pagoda, etc. July 24, 2014, July 23, 2014 10:00 hiro After completion, the cause of the accident, correct pipe construction, water pipe position in the middle of the situation, deviation of appearance of the situation, unexpected completion work situation. A major accident occurred at the Xiamen Water Collection Center. June 26, 2014, near the public clerk, Ku Road, Jiayu Road intersection, Fulong International Road, natural water pipe rupture, each diary, collection of water in the water report, complete rupture cause cause environment, eg car , Earth effect vibration and additional water pipe influence. 關於 此次 Ryoryo 厝地 陷引 Shirubeteki water pipe Yabuyabu damage manner ,, 2019 December 23, right, Xiamen Daily 從廈 Monsui Tsutomushu Dan E悉, said population Dan passing 雙路 狀的 另外 one path pipe road supply, city 區水 壓已經 一步 恢 回。 Munshin Shinsui, combined water pipe rupture accident, the above-mentioned near water pipe rupture accident. Xiamen Water Works General Manager Network Display, General Water Company. For the main business, provided by the castle city, Kang Fu service, comprehensive 200km population (inclusion village) water supply, full city water supply restoration work.

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